Supplying you with qualified HELPING HANDS during laborious times
The H2A visa program allows USA farmers to meet your seasonal labor needs with the help of non-immigrants (such as hardworking South Africans) when national workers are not available.
A few ways that we can help
This is your 1st time considering H2A workers.
In order to be able to employ H2A, you need a worker permit. We can put you in contact with reliable USA agents who can help you file the needed H2A documentation to obtain the permit.
We as a SA agency can then send you suitable candidates, that have been screened, to select your workforce from. We also make your workers’ visa and travel arrangements.
You have a work permit, but need to select workers.
We can send you applications. The candidates have been screened and their references checked. An interview can then be arranged with the workers you are considering.
After selecting your workers, we make their visa and travel arrangements.
You already have a SA worker in mind.
We can help your worker with their visa application process. After receiving their visas, we can also help with the travel arrangements.
If you do not have a H2A permit yet, we can put you in contact with USA agents who will help you obtain one.